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Produkt zum Begriff Learning English:

  • Sprachkurs Medical English (Gross, Peter~Baumgart, Daniel C.)
    Sprachkurs Medical English (Gross, Peter~Baumgart, Daniel C.)

    Sprachkurs Medical English , Ist dein Englisch auch nicht das "yellow from the egg"? Mit diesem Buch schon! Durch den zweiteiligen Aufbau erlernst du schnell die englischen Fachbegriffe, interdisziplinäre Falldarstellungen und typische Redewendungen. Zudem findest du Abkürzungen, Titel, Maßeinheiten und Symbole mit Erklärung. Die Fallbeispiele zum Anhören (online) trainieren dein Hörverstehen und bringen das Gelernte in den praktischen Kontext. Ideal für unterwegs: das herausnehmbare Miniwörterbuch. Zudem bekommst du wichtige Tipps für Präsentationen und das Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Willst du dich im Ausland bewerben? Dann unterstützt dich der Bewerbungsleitfaden mit nützlichen Postanschriften und Webadressen bei deinem Vorhaben. Daneben erhältst du Informationen über das englischsprachige Gesundheitssystem sowie die Struktur und Organisation der medizinischen Versorgung. Jederzeit zugreifen: Die Inhalte dieses Buches kannst du dir online auf der Lernplattform via medici freischalten und sie dann mit allen gängigen Smartphones, Tablets und PCs nutzen. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Auflage: 7., unveränderte Auflage, Erscheinungsjahr: 202011, Produktform: Kassette, Inhalt/Anzahl: 1, Inhalt/Anzahl: 1, Beilage: Mixed Media Product, Autoren: Gross, Peter~Baumgart, Daniel C., Auflage: 19007, Auflage/Ausgabe: 7., unveränderte Auflage, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 275, Abbildungen: 16 Abbildungen, Keyword: Auslandssemeter; Australien; Deutsch; England; Englisch; Fachterminologie; Großbritannien; Kanada; PJ; Redewendungen; USA; Wörterbuch, Fachschema: Englisch / Fachwörterbuch Medizin~Medizin / Fachwörterbuch (Englisch)~Heilkunde~Humanmedizin~Medizin~Medizin / Allgemeines, Einführung, Lexikon~Medizin / Studium, Prüfungen, Approbation, Berufe, Fachkategorie: Medizin, allgemein, Sprache: Englisch, Fachkategorie: Fremdsprachenerwerb für den Beruf, Text Sprache: ger, Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag, Länge: 198, Breite: 123, Höhe: 20, Gewicht: 282, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Mathematik/Naturwissenschaften/Technik/Medizin, Genre: Mathematik/Naturwissenschaften/Technik/Medizin, Beinhaltet: B0000059877001 9783132434431-2 B0000059877002 9783132434431-1, Vorgänger EAN: 9783132410343, Herkunftsland: ITALIEN (IT), Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0070, Tendenz: +1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,

    Preis: 41.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Ekman, Magnus: Learning Deep Learning
    Ekman, Magnus: Learning Deep Learning

    Learning Deep Learning , NVIDIA's Full-Color Guide to Deep Learning: All StudentsNeed to Get Started and Get Results Learning Deep Learning is a complete guide to DL.Illuminating both the core concepts and the hands-on programming techniquesneeded to succeed, this book suits seasoned developers, data scientists,analysts, but also those with no prior machine learning or statisticsexperience. After introducing the essential building blocks of deep neural networks, such as artificial neurons and fully connected, convolutional, and recurrent layers,Magnus Ekman shows how to use them to build advanced architectures, includingthe Transformer. He describes how these concepts are used to build modernnetworks for computer vision and natural language processing (NLP), includingMask R-CNN, GPT, and BERT. And he explains how a natural language translatorand a system generating natural language descriptions of images. Throughout, Ekman provides concise, well-annotated code examples usingTensorFlow with Keras. Corresponding PyTorch examples are provided online, andthe book thereby covers the two dominating Python libraries for DL used inindustry and academia. He concludes with an introduction to neural architecturesearch (NAS), exploring important ethical issues and providing resources forfurther learning. Exploreand master core concepts: perceptrons, gradient-based learning, sigmoidneurons, and back propagation See how DL frameworks make it easier to developmore complicated and useful neural networks Discover how convolutional neuralnetworks (CNNs) revolutionize image classification and analysis Apply recurrentneural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) to text and othervariable-length sequences Master NLP with sequence-to-sequence networks and theTransformer architecture Build applications for natural language translation andimage captioning , >

    Preis: 49.28 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Learning Blender
    Learning Blender

    Master the Newest Blender Techniques for Creating Amazing 3D Characters: From Design and Modeling to Video CompositingNow fully updated for Blender 2.83 LTS (Long-Term Support) and beyond, Learning Blender, Third Edition, walks you through every step of creating an outstanding 3D animated character with Blender, and then compositing it in a real video using a professional workflow. This edition covers the extensive interface changes of the software, as well as many improvements and some almost fully rewritten chapters to showcase more modern workflows.Still the only Blender tutorial to take you from preproduction to final result, this guide is perfect for both novices and those moving from other software to Blender (open source and free software). Author Oliver Villar provides full-color, hands-on chapters that cover every aspect of character creation: design, modeling, unwrapping, texturing, shading, rigging, animation, and rendering. He also walks you through integrating your animated character into a real-world video, using professional camera tracking, lighting, and compositing techniques.The rich companion website ( will help you quickly master even the most complex techniques with bonus contents like video tutorials. By the time you're done, you'll be ready to create outstanding characters for all media -- and you'll have up-to-date skills for any 3D project, whether it involves characters or not.Learn Blender's updated user interface and navigationCreate your first scene with Blender and the Blender Render and Cycles render enginesOrganize an efficient, step-by-step pipeline to streamline workflow in any projectMaster modeling, unwrapping, and texturingBring your character to life with materials and shading in both Cycles and EEVEE (the new real-time render engine included in Blender)Create your character's skeleton and make it walkUse Camera Tracking to mix 3D objects into a real-world videoTransform a raw rendered scene into the final result using Blender's compositing nodesRegister your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Human Learning
    Human Learning

    Ormrod’s engaging, conversational writing style introduces readers to all of the essential learning theories and their real-world classroom implications The market-leading education textbook on learning theories, Human Learning, looks at a broad range of theoretical perspectives, including behaviorist, social cognitive, cognitive, constructivist, cognitive-developmental, sociocultural, and contextual. Each chapter is filled with concrete examples of how these theories apply to learning, instruction, and assessment as well as specific ways readers can apply the theories in their own classrooms. The straightforward, conversational writing style readily engages readers and helps them truly understand the concepts, principles, and theories related to human learning and cognition. The new 8th Edition includes expanded discussions of several contemporary perspectives and a variety of new topics that have emerged in recent research (e.g., motivated reasoning, desirable difficulties). Some discussions of psychological perspectives on learning that have primarily historical value have been either condensed or altogether removed to make room for recent advances in theory and research.

    Preis: 90.94 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man Modern English ins Shakespearean English übersetzen?

    Es ist schwierig, Modern English direkt ins Shakespearean English zu übersetzen, da die beiden Sprachformen sehr unterschiedlich sind. Um dennoch eine Annäherung zu erreichen, könnte man versuchen, den Wortschatz, die Grammatik und die Ausdrucksweise des Shakespearean English zu imitieren. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass eine vollständige und authentische Übersetzung in den Stil von Shakespeare sehr herausfordernd sein kann.

  • What does "Rechtsgebiete" mean in English?

    "Rechtsgebiete" translates to "areas of law" in English. It refers to the different branches or fields of law, such as criminal law, civil law, constitutional law, and so on.

  • Ist Johnny English wirklich kindergerecht?

    Ja, Johnny English ist im Allgemeinen kindergerecht. Der Film enthält keine expliziten Gewaltszenen oder Inhalte, die für Kinder ungeeignet sind. Es handelt sich um eine Komödie, die für ein breites Publikum, einschließlich Kinder, geeignet ist.

  • What does "eine Ausbildung machen" mean in English?

    "Eine Ausbildung machen" translates to "to do an apprenticeship" or "to undergo vocational training" in English. It refers to a structured program of practical and theoretical learning in a specific trade or profession.

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    Easy Learning

    Kinder-Wanduhr "Easy Learning", Durchmesser 30 cm, geräuscharm

    Preis: 30.96 € | Versand*: 6.96 €
  • Introducing Machine Learning
    Introducing Machine Learning

    Master machine learning concepts and develop real-world solutions Machine learning offers immense opportunities, and Introducing Machine Learning delivers practical knowledge to make the most of them. Dino and Francesco Esposito start with a quick overview of the foundations of artificial intelligence and the basic steps of any machine learning project. Next, they introduce Microsoft’s powerful ML.NET library, including capabilities for data processing, training, and evaluation. They present families of algorithms that can be trained to solve real-life problems, as well as deep learning techniques utilizing neural networks. The authors conclude by introducing valuable runtime services available through the Azure cloud platform and consider the long-term business vision for machine learning. ·        14-time Microsoft MVP Dino Esposito and Francesco Esposito help you ·         Explore what’s known about how humans learn and how intelligent software is built ·         Discover which problems machine learning can address ·         Understand the machine learning pipeline: the steps leading to a deliverable model ·         Use AutoML to automatically select the best pipeline for any problem and dataset ·         Master ML.NET, implement its pipeline, and apply its tasks and algorithms ·         Explore the mathematical foundations of machine learning ·         Make predictions, improve decision-making, and apply probabilistic methods ·         Group data via classification and clustering ·         Learn the fundamentals of deep learning, including neural network design ·         Leverage AI cloud services to build better real-world solutions faster     About This Book ·         For professionals who want to build machine learning applications: both developers who need data science skills and data scientists who need relevant programming skills ·         Includes examples of machine learning coding scenarios built using the ML.NET library

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • TurboDraw, English
    TurboDraw, English

    TurboDraw TurboDraw, Create beautiful graphic designs and vector illustrations on your PC. Full layer support Powerful Bézier editing tools Boolean operations to create new shapes Create text art and add text to any path 2,000+ pre-designed vector graphics and royalty free images Creative filters and effect Full support for SVG files, including import and export TurboDraw makes it easy for anyone to create incredible graphic designs and vector art. You don’t need to be a graphic design professional to create incredible looking artwork for any print or online project. Advanced Tools: Full layer support Powerful Bézier editing tools Boolean operations to create new shapes Create text art and add text to any path Full support for SVG files, including import and export Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas Eraser tool to remove parts of graphics Blend tool to create 3D tunnel effects and unique shapes Component Library to save and reuse new graphics you create Creative background and fill textures Solid, text and artistic strokes for added style Smoothing tool to smooth out choppy freehand drawings Artistic color palettes and gradients Detailed help guide Bonus Graphics & Tools: 2,000+ pre-designed vector graphics and royalty free images Creative filters and effect65+ commercial use fonts Royalty-free photos and images Over 100 Professionally-Created Design Ideas including: Posters Postcards Print Banners Web Banners SignsI llustrations Fun artistic expressions Simply use the powerful vector drawing tools to sketch out your design, or import a vector graphic in SVG format to add your own creative touch. Beginners to graphic design can get started quickly by using any of the 300+ pre-designed, royalty free design ideas and graphics without the hassle of starting from scratch. Features Full Layer Support: TurboDraw works on layers. Now you can easily modify any of the layer by selecting it individually. You can check how much layers are using in single image or project by accessing Layers at the right side. Now you can hide and remove any layer very easily from Layers. Boolean operations to create new shapes: Now you can combine two existing shapes into a new shape very easily by using Boolean feature. In shapes combine you can use Union, Intersect, XOR and Exclude option. You can see this feature in Home menu under Editing. Create text art and add text to any path: It became very easy to add any text to any path. You can add alphabets from Alphabet Art under Objects at left side of the screen. You can insert Text on path by accessing insert menu under Text. Full support for SVG files, including import and export: Now it has become very easy to import and export your SVG files. You can save your project as SVG files and then import it very easily by accessing Insert menu. Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas: You can select any part of the image and paste it anywhere in the canvas by using select and crop functionality. Creative background and fill textures: You can create creative backgrounds by accessing Canvas menu. You can insert and give any color to background and make it more attractive. Solid, text and artistic strokes for added style: Now you can add simple solid text as well as artistic stroke text to make your drawing or documents more attractive. You can access these features by accessing Text under Insert menu. Smoothing tool to smooth out choppy freehand drawings: TurboDraw allows you to make your desired drawing by using freehand pen and pencil from Drawing under Insert menu. Now it has become very easy to make creative drawings in seconds. Detailed help guide: TurboDraw offers online help guide. Now you can learn everything by using this user guide. You can access help guide by accessing Help at the right top corner. Add Effects: TurboDraw allows to change the background color, background image, Text color etc. very easily. Now you can add effects in your added picture or written text means change text color, style, size etc. on single click. Import Objects: Now you can easily import any JPEG, SVG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF image in TurboDraw.

    Preis: 84.95 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • English Gentleman
    English Gentleman

    Preis: 113 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was ist das Sprachniveau von Babbel English?

    Babbel English bietet Sprachkurse auf verschiedenen Niveaustufen an, von Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene. Das genaue Sprachniveau hängt jedoch von der gewählten Kursstufe ab. Babbel bietet Kurse auf den Niveaus A1 bis B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen an.

  • Wie kann man effektiv neue Vokabeln lernen, um seine Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern?

    1. Wiederholung ist der Schlüssel zum Lernen neuer Vokabeln. 2. Nutze Karteikarten oder Apps, um Vokabeln regelmäßig zu wiederholen. 3. Versuche, die neuen Wörter in Sätzen zu verwenden, um sie besser zu behalten.

  • Wie kann man effektiv seine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern, insbesondere in Bezug auf Grammatik und Aussprache?

    Um seine Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern, sollte man regelmäßig üben, zum Beispiel durch das Lesen von Büchern oder das Ansehen von Filmen in der Zielsprache. Zudem ist es hilfreich, mit Muttersprachlern zu sprechen oder an Sprachkursen teilzunehmen. Um die Grammatik zu verbessern, sollte man gezielt Übungen machen und sich mit den Regeln der Sprache auseinandersetzen. Die Aussprache kann man verbessern, indem man Hörübungen macht, Lieder singt oder Sprachaufnahmen von Muttersprachlern nachahmt.

  • Wie bereite ich mich auf das Cambridge English First vor?

    Um sich auf das Cambridge English First (FCE) vorzubereiten, sollten Sie zunächst den Inhalt und die Struktur des Tests verstehen. Verwenden Sie dann Übungsmaterialien wie Lehrbücher, Online-Ressourcen und Übungstests, um Ihre Kenntnisse in den verschiedenen Testbereichen zu verbessern. Es ist auch hilfreich, regelmäßig Englisch zu lesen, zu hören und zu sprechen, um Ihr Sprachgefühl und Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu stärken.

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